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My Girl Power hosts Executive Reception on Why Focus on Female Science Recruitment Across the Interamericas Matters

Part of the 2019 Global Girls in Sports and Science Series

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Executive Reception and Fireside Chat with Dr. Boright,

Executive Director of International Affairs of the US National Academies.

Why focusing on our InterAmerican middle and high school girls’ access to science can impact global healthfulness within a single generation, and how Tucson can lead to help make that happen.
My Girl Power™, a not for profit project under the John P. Bell Family Foundation, and part of the Force for Health® TEAM Network continues its inaugural GGWISS spring series, celebrating Global Girls and Women in Sports and Science, with a VIP Salon Reception featuring Dr. John Boright, Executive Director of the Executive Director of International Affairs of the US National Academies, hosted by Crown Concepts on Wednesday, February 27, 2019.
Join us for a special night of connections and collaboration with like minded individuals who seek greater diplomacy throughout all levels of global science, as we take a deeper look at the current snapshot of InterAmerican girls and how recruiting more young, female scientists over the next decade, can and will have an significant impact on healthier global citizenship.
Location: Crown Concepts, 3930 West Costco Drive, Tucson, AZ 85741

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