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My Girl Power Committee - Legal Action Report

December 19, 2013
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Pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the PIMA

COUNTY/TUCSON WOMEN’S COMMISSION and to the general public that the


My Girl Power™ Ad-Hoc Committee Meeting

Tuesday November 19, 2013 at 6:00 PM-7:00 PM

240 N Court Ave Tucson, Arizona 85701


1. Call to order/Roll Call – Commissioners Lucy Howell (Committee Chair) and Sheila Tobias present.  Loree Thompson and Larry Sakin also present from public – Meeting began at 6:12 pm. Roundtable introductions that included background and reasons for attendance opened the meeting.  Both Thompson and Sakin were invited by Howell to explore possible advisory, strategic partnership and/or contributing roles within My Girl Power™ Project.

2. New Business – Review My Girl Power™ Project objectives – Howell re-stated the purpose, components, goals, and leadership points of My Girl Power™ Project.  Background - My Girl Power™ Committee, approved and formed in October 2013 as ad-hoc committee for Pima County Tucson Women’s Commission, is focused on identifying and aggregating public, private, non-profits, and individuals who share the vision of ensuring best resources for k-12 girls in their local communities, starting right here in Pima County.  This committee will develop platforms, events, challenges, and scholarships, focused around 4 main themes: Know MY Voice, Own MY Health, Leave MY Mark, and Flex MY Wings. All of the details can be found at – Informational only – No legal action taken.

a. Purpose

b. Components

c. Goals

d. Current Leadership

3. Updates and status

a.  Website Review – Howell reported that Phase 1 of the website,  is live and walked through major components.  Pointed specifically to the 2014 Partnership Application Form, which Committee is asking community partners to fill out by December 13, 2013, to be included in the Q1 launch activities -  Informational only – No legal action taken

b.  Partnerships and potential projects

1.  CTG Honorary Award – Howell reported that she and McSally had chance to meet with Roxanna Green, mother of Christina Taylor Green, who gave us support, and her gratitude, to work together to help sustain the legacy of her daughter through a scholarship and award in her name, as we plan an inaugural 2014 event celebrating female impact makers in the sports, arts, science and health fields.  Christina Taylor Green represented everything that we, as My Girl Power™ leaders, hope for all 3rd graders in Pima County.  She was only 9, but already a leader…civically engaged on student council, athletic (on the boy’s team even), artistic (dancing and singing), and highly compassionate (daughter, sister, giver). Howell expressed sincere gratitude at the chance to work with Roxanna, and to continue building legacy through the power of wings…past, present and future. – Informational only – No legal action taken

2.  Leadership Institute – Howell reported that she and McSally had met with Larry Sakin the previous week, who expressed interest in exploring a possible Leadership Institute that could be co-developed, in conjunction with My Girl Power™ initiatives, targeting 9-12 grade girls. Sakin, the founder of Leadership for Change,, will provide additional detail by December meeting, if possible.  Sakin Foundation also sponsors the Celebrity Spelling Bee, and expressed interest in collaborating on this event in 2014.  Howell and Tobias expressed strong interest in concept and will continue development discussions. – Informational only – No legal action taken

4. Review levels of participation – Howell reviewed various participation levels and timelines, trying to push for December 13, 2013 for Partnership Application Forms to be completed.  Howell emphasized there is NO cost to be included in the community serving resource directory, and reviewed samples of upgraded partnerships, such as Platform and Tour partners.  Howell also shared that So. Arizona Girl Scouts, Hughes Federal Credit Union and Charmaine Thomas, from the Happy Organization, and also representing Haile Thomas, have all expressed strong interest in working together at some level, as well.  There will be enhanced outreach to target partners in next few weeks  - Informational Only – No legal action taken

a.  Resource Directory

b.  Platform Partners

c.  Tour Partners

5.  Review proposed timelines, events and calendars – Howell provided high level overview, but offered to review more 2014 event related information at the December meeting, due to time constraints.  Howell did draw attention to a possible Q1 2014 event, as we look at ways to celebrate National Women and Girls in Sports Day.  Howell pointed to WIN (Women’s Intersport Network) for KC ( good link to video - and National Association of Collegiate Women Athletic Administrators ( as great resource to model after and to possibly collaborate with.  Information only – No Legal Action Taken

6.  Budgets and Finance – Howell reviewed general funding requirements for year long platform needs that will be sourced from platform partners and strategic community funders from public, private and non-proft sectors. – Informational only – No Legal action taken

a. Current status

b. Strategic funding sourcing

7. Announcements  - n/a

8. Call to the public – no additional comments noted

Meeting ended at 7:11 pm.