My Girl Power Project™, a special project aimed at increasing k-12 girls’ engagement levels in the sports, arts, science and health areas, and supported by the Pima County Tucson Women’s Commission, will be hosting our first quarterly Community Chat, a hosted roundtable discussion with select community stakeholders, to discuss key issues that affect k-12 girls, starting here in Pima County, AZ.
In light of National Women and Girls in Sports Day, Feb 5, 2014, the anniversary of Title IX, and the kicking off of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games, we will focus our first quarter discussion on why access to sports and physical activity for girls is so critically important, and why we MUST ensure access for all who would like to play.

Main Focus Point - Access, Funding or Engagement??? - What are the real barriers to play?
Community Roundtable Participants include:
- Debbie D’Amore, Deputy Superintendent, Pima County Schools
- Pam Francis, Executive Director, EEF serving TUSD
- Diane Bissell, Executive Director of Sunnyside School Foundation
- Mary Snider, Oro Valley Council Woman, Amphi School Foundation Board
- Ally Baehr, Community Engagement, So. Arizona Girl Scouts
- Don Trigali, Sporting Chance
- Andy Morales, educator, columnist
- Natalie Fernandez, Financial Advisor, Activist
My Girl Power™ Community Chat Hosts
- Lucy Howell, Guardian, MOVE Media, PCTWC
- Martha McSally, retired Air Force, PCTWC
- Sheila Tobias, author, educator, PCTWC
- Loree Thompson, Business consultant
- Larry Sakin, entrepreneur, philanthropist
Date and Time: February 4, 2014 at 9:00 am – 10:00 am
Location: Women’s Commission Building - 240 North Stone Avenue Tucson, AZ 85742
The roundtable discussion will take place in a public meeting format. Findings will be produced in a special MGP Report, which will be released in August 2014.
Inquiries to: Lucy Howell, lucy@mygirlpower.org or at 520 878 6683.