Pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the PIMA
COUNTY/TUCSON WOMEN’S COMMISSION and to the general public that the
My Girl Power™ Ad-Hoc Committee Meeting
Thursday October 10, 2013 at 6:00 PM-7:00 PM
240 N Court Ave Tucson, Arizona 85701
- Call to order/Roll Call: Commissioners Howell, Committee Co-Chair, McSally, Committee C-Chair, plus Hughes-Juan and Hughes. Also present from public: Lesley Rich, Kat Salthouse, Megan Black, & Niki Hoffman, representing the So. AZ Girls Scouts, Denise Morse, Martha O’Neil, Stacy Tibbetts –Meeting began at 6:05 pm.
- New Business – Overview of My Girl Power™ Project – Introductions were made around the room, and Howell presented overview of proposed collaborative platform, focused on k-12 girls in Pima County, AZ – Informative ONLY – NO LEGAL ACTION TAKEN
- Increase the healthfulness & success pathways for k-12 girls, in Pima County through a collaborative, community based model
- Increase access to opportunities for k-12 girls in Pima County to thrive
- Increase levels of female engagement & leadership within the sports, arts, science, economic & public serving space
- Both Howell and McSally stressed the role of the Commission is not to compete for funding or program development/delivery, but to showcase and facilitate partner programs by providing the “platform” where resources are aggregated, networked and celebrated, with highlights that affect our k-12 girls in Pima County.
- Components
- October 11 – December 13, 2013 - 60 Day Challenge – Partnership Enrollment Period
- 2014 My Girl Power™ Components include:
- Community Website
- Resource Directory
- Calendar
- My Girl Power™ Challenges
- Social Community
- My Girl Power™ Digital Book
- My Girl Power™ Speaker Series
- My Girl Power™ Quarterly Events
- My Girl Power™ Store
- My Girl Power™ SASH
- My Girl Power™ Annual Tour
- Goals
- Provide a model platform that will CONNECT a regional talent bank of like-minded organizations, who will CONTRIBUTE resources, calendars & ideas, so we can COLLABORATE through a stronger network & funding mechanism that will help better sustain and COMMUNICATE the resources made available for k-12 girls, here in Pima County
- To aggregate 10-30 partnership firms to participate at Platform Levels and other various levels within the initiative
- To challenge 5 other Women’s Commissions to do the same, before December 13, 2013 – Proposed Commissions for initial pilot phase include San Francisco, DC, NYC, Massachusetts, and Delaware
- The Key Focus Areas for k-12 Girls in Pima County, AZ
- Know MY Voice
- Own MY Health
- Leave MY Mark
- Flex MY Wings
- Current Leadership
- Lucy Howell – Committee Chair
- Active Commissioner, at-large, appointed November 2010
- Martha McSally –Co-Chair – “WingWoman”
- Active Commissioner, Appointed in June 2013, by Supervisor Ray Carroll
- Review target partners – Howell provided overview – Informative only –NO LEGAL ACTION TAKEN
Optional partnership levels
- Primary targets for benefit would be serving k-12 girls in Pima County
- Primary targets for support, platform and funding partnerships include organizations, funds, and individuals who want to support and participate in the initiatives that My Girl Power™ will be leading. Breakdown of various partnership levels include:
- Basic Resource Listing free
- My Girl Power™ Platform Partner
Webpage, Digital Book, and Events $1,000*
- My Girl Power™ Tour Partners
Through Smithsonian Travel $2,000**
- My Girl Power™ Super Wings $5,000***
- My Girl Power™ Legacy Wings $10,000***
- My Girl Power™ Forever Wings $25K - $50K***
*payments can be made quarterly
**Full payment arrangements will be made between Tour Group and partner
***These will be custom built programs, depending on specific intended purposes (partnership funding, program, tour, etc.)
- Partnership roles and expectations
- Fill-out the On-line Partnership Form by December 13, 2013 – This will be live and circulated by October 13, 2013
- Determine what level you would like to participate, and indicate that preference on the e-form
- Digital partners will need to provide additional information by December 13, 2013
- Program goes live in 2014
- *Monthly meetings are optional and always open to the public,
2nd Thursdays are suggested
- 4. Review timelines and calendar for local, regional, and national rollout - Nov 2013 – July 2014 – Howell discussed high level overview of 4 possible events, which will be finalized in December. Partnership enrollment period is through December 13, 2013. – NO LEGAL ACTION Taken
- Budgets and Finance – Howell discussed general levels of engagement, associated costs, and reviewed possible co-revenue generating events and projects, such as the Great Hula Challenge and My Girl Power™ Guide and e-commerce options. – Information ONLY – NO LEGAL ACTION TAKEN
- Current status
- Review partner participation options
- Strategic funding sourcing
- Announcements
- Call to the public – Black, Rich, Salthouse, Hoffman, Morse, O’Neil, Tibbetts represented public
- Black,Rich, Salthouse, Hoffman(So. AZ Girl Scouts) – expressed enthusiasm for project and willingness to consider collaborative partnership at some level to be determined in November.
- Tibbetts – Leukemia survivor and former Air Force member – expressed interest in developing or finding a program that focuses on the unique needs of young girls going through treatments, like chemo. She stated specific gender needs and differences that were not being met and suggested reaching out to Diamond Children’s’ Center, or other groups that could help shed light or resource to this area.
Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm