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Know MY Voice

5 girls share their responses from the Know MY Voice Survey

"Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning."

 - Maya Angelo

One of the key tenets of My Girl Power Project is to challenge girls to know, understand, embrace and use the power of their own unique individual voices very early in life, starting with k-5 schools and families. 

This is really key to balancing out gender inequities, creating more opportunities for girls and young woman to thrive, and reducing sexual and domestic abuse against them.   It's also very important to understand our history so we can appreciate the efforts and struggles that many trailblazing women, less than just a generation ago, paved for this post feminist generation's pathways.  

Can you imagine if Susan B. Anthony, Alice Paul, or Sojourner Truth didn't know or believe in their own voices?  How many more years would it have taken to earn women the right to vote and earn a right to participate in the democratic process? 

Without full faith in your own voice, you may find yourself without any power in unfavorable situations, personally and professionally.  It is important to recognize what you love,  who you are, and what rights you have, so you can navigate your life pro-actively...not reactively.

Knowing your voice will help you develop your passions into opportunities and help you develop a more balanced and intentional life.

We asked 4 local girls to share their responses to the Know MY Voice survey, and their answers may surprise you.  

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"Feminism means a lot to me. It means everyone is equal. It means that woman have the right to be as equal as the man, which we need."

What do you think is the most important issue facing girls your age, between 10-16 years old?

School. These years count the most for school and if you're not doing well, you may not do well in your future. It's extremely stressful.

What do you spend most of your time thinking about?

My friends. They are the people I can talk to about anything and they won't judge me.

What do you spend most of your time worrying about?

School. It's the biggest stress in my life. If my grades aren't up, neither is my life. It's extremely important.

What is one thing you would like adults to focus on to help make your lives easier?

Not being so hard on us. If we screw up, they take it to another level. Give us a chance, comfort us, don't punish us for being human.

On a scale of 1-5 stars, how well do you know your voice and what you love to do?

2 out of 5

What does the word feminism mean to you?

Feminism means a lot to me. It means everyone is equal. It means that woman have the right to be as equal as the man, which we need.

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"To listen to and respect our ideas and opinions...and to include us in decisions that affect us"

What do you think is the most important issue facing girls your age, between 10-16 years old?

Low self-esteem

What do you spend most of your time thinking about?

How to positively influence more kids my age

What do you spend most of your time worrying about?

I'm concerned about making sure I do the right things to ensure a bright future.

What is one thing you would like adults to focus on to help make your lives easier?

To listen to and respect our ideas and opinions...and to include us in decisions that affect us

On a scale of 1-5 stars, how well do you know your voice and what you love to do?

5 out of 5

What does the word feminism mean to you?

Being a strong woman

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"Equality between genders"

What do you think is the most important issue facing girls your age, between 10-16 years old?


What do you spend most of your time thinking about?

Harry styles

What do you spend most of your time worrying about?


What is one thing you would like adults to focus on to help make your lives easier?

Understand how smart I am

On a scale of 1-5 stars, how well do you know your voice and what you love to do?

3 out of 5

What does the word feminism mean to you?

Equality between genders

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"No idea what feminism is"

What do you think is the most important issue facing girls your age, between 10-16 years old?


What do you spend most of your time thinking about?


What do you spend most of your time worrying about?


What is one thing you would like adults to focus on to help make your lives easier?

Checking in

On a scale of 1-5 stars, how well do you know your voice and what you love to do?

5 out of 5

What does the word feminism mean to you?


No idea