Women's Equality Day, founded in 1971 and held every year on August 26, is an important date in US History that every female should know.
My Girl Power™ Project is committed to developing civic engagement through My Civics Girl Initiatives, that include administering this brief Suffrage 101 Quiz, developed by the Tucson Pima County Tucson Women's Commission, to anyone under the age of 50, in an effort to increase literacy levels associated with Women's History and the key milestones that have most impacted our lives.
Test yourself...Before watching this clip or movie, take our Suffrage 101 Quiz...
Let's see what you know:
In addtion to this quiz, My Girl power urges EVERY girl, preferably before high school, but definitely before graduation, to watch this movie to better understand how a handful of incredibly brave and passionate women paved the way for our voices to be heard.
Our recommendation to watch this film is not restricted to younger high school girls. Basically, if you were born after 1969, chances are you are less likely to fully comprehend these historic moments, as well, since most of the hard fought equality rights were g=fought for and won, before we entered high school. For these reasons, we encourage you to take our quiz watch this film, as well.
It is so very important to realize what had to happen in order to earn women the right to vote in this country, and why we must exercise that right, if we want fair and just representation.

If you don't know the history or significance of Women's Equality Day, please educate yourself here.